2012, Dec 21: World Intention Healing

This is the World Intention Healing Video developed from your intentions in our previous post: The Secret, Mayans, The World And You in 2013 Over 150 of your intentions have been embedded in this video.

Welcome to a new era of creation and great possibilities. These past years have felt unstable and uncertain for just about everyone on the planet. It has been devastating for some of you losing everything that you have held dear and for most others you have been living in a world of uncertainty and change.

This healing process today will shift your energy field so that you are transitioning with a clear and more defined purpose, heal your broken heart and create a place of peace and fulfillment.

This time now has been prophesied by many different religions and cultures. Some say it’s the end of the world in a physical sense and some say it is the beginning of a new awakening of consciousness. The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21st, and the significance and interpretation vary. If you ask the Mayans today, they will say it is not the end of the world it is the end of an era and a shift into something much greater and a more spiritual realm.

For this transition to occur in a peaceful and flowing manner, we need to awaken ourselves to our greatness, spiritual powers and purpose. Consciousness is changing for this new world to emerge. For you to be part of the modern world, your thinking and your beliefs need to change, and you must awaken your intuitive abilities, so you will feel the guidance and strength of how to progress forward.

About The Healing

This healing is directed on the intentions listed in the blog which you will find are surprisingly similar to each other. There is a theme of people desiring unity, love, and compassion. It brings joy to my soul to know the masses are wanting a kinder and loving world which means there is a more compassionate and more loving world. The power of setting intentions and focusing on them is the most powerful way to create. Embrace this ancient concept that has been overlooked and hidden for centuries. You have all the power within. It is time to access it.

If you haven’t already listed your intentions or you have more desires you wish to express, stop the video, write your intentions into the blog comments below and re-start the video so we can begin the healing with a focus.

Your Intentions

Throughout the video, you will see on the screen the intentions of everyone who has participated before the making of this video. This process will magnify these requests and propel you into 2013 in a more stable and empowered state than ever before.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the beautiful people who have touched my heart with their kindness and love.  Your support and love have assisted me to go forward to live my life purpose which has become much clearer to me. I now know what I was born to do, which is a change from the life I grew up in when all my thoughts were consumed with wanting to escape my pain and die. This healing I dedicate to those of you who so graciously blessed my life. In gratitude, I wish to return my love with this healing. So let’s begin…

World Intention Healing

Find a quiet place where you can focus. Start by taking deep breaths and know there is no other place you need to be.

Feel yourself balanced, aligned and reconnected as I connect you to source, the world, other like-minded people and to this healing. Close your eyes and relax, feel yourself encased in peace, love and light. Choose to surrender and let go and trust that all will work out for your highest good. Understand that your life up to this point has been lived on conditioning and programming that have brought you to this point now.

The universe is assisting you to transition by showing you your messages that have been all around you. They are in what people say to you, what nature reveals, what you read and where your focus is.  They are in the people and information that comes to your mind. The lessons are there for you to change your thinking and beliefs about yourself, others and your future. Awaken your inner guidance system so that you are guided in the direction that will lead you to a rich and colourful future.

You may have been taught not to trust others, not to feel safe and to live in fear. For you to shift to a new paradigm,  you must change what you were taught and what you experienced and create new beliefs. There have been many wrongs in your past, and I want to express my sadness for the pain you have suffered, and I am sorry for how this pain has made you feel and the destructiveness it created in your life.  If you have pain in your childhood where you were beaten, bullied by others, emotionally manipulated to feel guilt, shame or where there was neglect and judgments.

You need to know that you did not deserve this treatment and I am so sorry. If your pain has been at the hands of others, where injustices have been committed, where the actions of others have been unfathomable,  please accept my sorrow. Please allow forgiveness in your heart for this pain to release. Try to let go of this pain.  It is time to become more than you have been living. Imagine all this pain in bags being dropped in the ocean where it is swallowed up and removed from who you are. You are now washed clean of your painful past. You can now feel more refreshed and lighter.

Imagine the presence of angels and guides surrounding you and enveloping you with love. Feel their desire to heal you.  See yourself in a place where you are safe, a place where you can feel peace, a place where you feel love.

Imagine the freedom of being connected to the earth and the energies of a deep blue sky vibrate through every cell of your body.  Imagine rolling in long thick green grass that cushions you.  Look up to a never-ending blue sky and feel the rays of the warm sun over your entire body.  Feel the freedom and peace.

As you feel this peace, imagine all the people who have supported you, those who have cared for and loved you, even your beloved pets now in your presence.

Look at their faces and feel their love heal you, feel it fill your heart and heal the pain. Let the suffering release and fill your heart with their love.  Experience the power of what love can do and the power of healing that it has.  Hear the message they have come to give you which is
“You are more than you could ever imagine. If only you knew how much you are loved.”

Now thank them for their love and support. Look again at all those people who have sent you love. Now imagine all the love you have ever given them.  Now fill your heart with this love.  Send this love to your heart and feel love for yourself. This is who you are; this is who you are here to be.  This is what you are meant to experience. Choose to be this love. You are love.”

Taking deep breathes as you open your eyes. Feel this new state of vibrating into every cell of your body.

Take this new found love within your heart and let it vibrate from your energy field and let it draw to you the things of a greater experience. Allow yourself to be a magnet for greatness, love, and empowerment. You will elevate others, you will draw to yourself better situations and create a more peaceful and loving world.  Your inner guidance system is now more heightened for you to be lead and guided to your new powerful future.

We are all one and all connected so take care of yourself and each other.

Thank you for being part of our new collective future.

Sending you love. peace and blessings always.

Blessings and love,

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.