
Release Childhood Trauma and Conditioning 14-Day Challenge

Original price was: AUD $199.00.Current price is: AUD $159.00.

A 14-day online/interactive program liberating process of self-discovery and empowerment to;

● Remove the effects of emotional and physical childhood abuse along with subtle and obvious conditioning.
● Reverse the damage from a dysfunctional childhood by returning soul fragments, and removing negative imprints and programs.
● Release guilt, negative associations and crippling preconceptions.
● Receive the love your inner child deserved, express yourself fully and feel free to be yourself.
● Learn the effects of childhood programming to recreate a new program for your advantage.


Heal Your Childhood Trauma and Conditioning
14-Day Challenge

I was born innocent, pure, and free
And then my father took that away from me
As he inflicted abuse with anger and hate
He grabbed the belt; it was my fate
I was in a battlefield, I was in a war
He beat me
He molested me
He was the law
Every day I pleaded to God to take away the pain
But he never did, it was always the same
After one day of horror, I shut myself down
I put on a happy face and became a clown
I said, “This is not happening.” I pretended it was fine
I was frozen in pain; I was frozen in time
Life had no meaning; it was wasting away
I was living in fear and living in vain
As I peeled off the layers, I remembered the pain
I dropped to my knees, begging God to end it again
It was in those darkest moments that I connected to source
I found my gift, I found my force
Now I am whole I can help others heal
I finally know what it means to be real
Marisa Russo

Is your dysfunctional childhood affecting your day-to-day life? Are you ready to heal your inner child and create a new blueprint and program of freedom?

Your 14 day schedule includes webinars, lessons, healings and exercises to heal your childhood. This will free the hidden blocks/obstacles that stop you from creating the life you desire.

A 14-day online/interactive program liberating process of self-discovery and empowerment to;

● Remove the effects of emotional and physical childhood abuse along with subtle and obvious conditioning.
● Reverse the damage from a dysfunctional childhood by returning soul fragments, and removing negative imprints and programs.
● Release guilt, negative associations and crippling preconceptions.
● Receive the love your inner child deserved, express yourself fully and feel free to be yourself.
● Learn the effects of childhood programming to recreate a new program for your advantage.
● Live a proven, daily system to create a richer, more rewarding and happier life

14-Day Online Interactive Program

N.B. The live/online event is for women only and will then be available for everyone as an online course:

Day 1: What Happened To You and Your Feelings Do Matter
Exercise 1: What was your foundation built on? Identify the truths and the lies

Day 2: Childhood Programming, Conditioning, Stresses and Trauma
Exercise 2: Make a list of your trauma and stresses

Day 3: There’s a Ghost in Your Genes
Exercise 3: Identify the traits of your carers and ancestral lineage/genetics

Day 4: Find the Origin of Your Blocks
Exercise 4: Making sense of your life and finding the cause of your problems

Day 5: Release Your Anger
Exercise 5: Shifting Your Hurt and Remove the Guilt and Blame

Day 6: Soul Loss and Fragmentation from Stress and Abuse
Exercise 6: Returning Your Soul Fragments

Day 7: Day 7 Soul Loss and Fragmentation
Exercise 7: Returning Your Soul Fragments

Day 8: Create a New Blueprint of Your Past, Present and Future
Exercise 8: Rewriting history and your future &  Monitoring Your Speech and Thoughts

Day 9: Create a New Childhood Blueprint Vision Board
Exercise 9: Create Your Childhood Blueprint Vision Board

Day 10: Inner Child Affirmations and Meditation
Exercise 10: Meditation and Affirmations

Day 11: Revelations, Learning and Relationships
Exercise 11: Assessing Your Progress and Understanding, and the Jump Technique

Day 12: Your Purpose, Declaration and Promise to Your Inner-Child
Exercise 12: Declaration of Your Purpose and Promise

Day 13: Change Your Environmental Energy and Start Fresh
Exercise 13: Clean up your links/connections and environment of old energy

Day 14: One Habit at a Time and Final Blueprint Healing
Exercise 14: Habit changing and reinstating your original divine blueprint

Bonus: Completed Live Stream Readings and Healings with Marisa 

NB: This course can be completed at your own pace and repeated as many times as you like.

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.