Kim Haden
For many years, I knew I had a calling to help people, I just didn’t know in what way. It wasn’t until Forensic Healing found me that it all started making sense. Forensic Healing, as well as my studies in transpersonal counselling, have given me the tools to heal and move beyond trauma, limiting beliefs and negative life patterns. I can now share these tools and assist others. I provide a safe and nurturing environment for clients to bring awareness and healing to areas of themselves they have not been able to access previously.
As I mentioned, Forensic Healing found me and when I didn’t listen, it called me again. Attending Live training, I knew I was on the right path and that Forensic Healing was a major part of my next step. This system has helped me move blocks that kept me limited and small. I am now more confident, have better boundaries and have more peace and flow in my life than ever before. I would love to assist you in freeing yourself from the things that hold you back from a more balanced and joyful life.
I have helped clients in areas of childhood trauma, grief, anger/rage, self confidence, stress & anxiety, limiting beliefs, negative patterns, boundaries, generational patterns, financial blocks, relationship blocks, fears, etc that may be preventing you from feeling empowered in your life.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin