Forensic Healing Certification

Multiple Choice Quizzes

All students are required to complete

One quiz per training module. 7 Module Quizzes/Tests are submitted online and can be found in the Module’s Curriculum.

To locate the client forms and instructions, login to the FH site and view the Awakening Module Lecture:

                                                  FH Certification Requirements

FH Certification Live/Zoom Students:

Repeat 7 Day Live Training for automatic certification status or submit 20 hours of case studies with a minimum of 10 clients. If you have attended a Forensic Healing Essentials class, you can get credit for 5 hours of case studies. Therefore, you only need to submit 15 hours of case studies (minimum of 7 different clients).

Repeating the 7-day Live training upgrades your experience from your first attendance. Every workshop is different and allows you to develop your healing intuition whilst going deeper into your healing experience. Registering as a Repeater for an FH Live event automatically receives the Qualification, and there is no Certification Fee. To find an event near you, view our Events Page. 

Payment for the certification processing fee of $199 is made before submitting your case studies after payment of your course is complete. Order here

If you paid upfront for the FH certification training, we mail the certificate immediately after reviewing your case studies. Certificates are only sent once all course fees are paid in full.

Please read and follow our advertising and policy guidelines

FH Certification Online Students:

Submit a total of 59 hours of case studies. 7 hours per module (7 modules x 7 hours of case studies each) and 10 hours using all the modules.

For each module, there needs to be a minimum of 3 different clients for the 7 hours of case studies per module.
Submit one recorded healing session 45/60 minutes.

COVID: Due to Covid restrictions, there is now no minimum number of distance healings. You can submit all distance/online case studies if you prefer. Hours do not include self-healing.

To submit a “Forensic Healing Video Session,” you can forward the video via Google Drive or Dropbox, record it, or upload it to Facebook or YouTube, and send us a link or mail a USB to our company address.

Forensic Healing
Parcel Collect 10092 20185
Shop 24, 619 Doncaster Rd
Doncaster VIC 3108

Case Study Templates:

Case study templates are available in training guides and the Awakening Module final lecture content.
A sample client analysis form is included. The hours include a minimum of 7 hours per module, as the Awakening Module has been introduced on a minimum of 3 clients per module.

Credits: If you have attended an Essentials Live or Online class, you can get credit for 5 hours of case studies. Therefore, submit only 54 hours of case studies.
For example, Attend Forensic Healing Essentials for half price after starting your training and get a 5-hour credit from your total case study hours requirement.
For the 20 hours of Live training case studies, you can only claim up to 10 hours from the Essentials courses. A total of 2 Essentials Courses.

The certification processing fee of $199 must be paid prior to submitting your case studies. You can order here.

Each case study must include a Case Study Form and one Client Feedback Form per client for the whole period. Client Analysis Forms are not mandatory but help you get into the practice of using who, what, when and why questions.

Forward scanned copies via Dropbox, email, Google Docs, etc. or mail copies to us once you have completed ALL 7 modules to

Directory Listing: Once you have completed ALL the requirements for certification and received your certificate, feel free to add your practitioner listing here

Steps to add your practitioner listing:

Login with your username and password to:

Click the Directory Tab:

Click “Add Listing”
Click “Add Listing” to add your content

Energy Healing Practitioner Online Spiritual Healing

Use the Certified Forensic Healing Practitioner badge (right-click and choose “save image as”)

Send Case Studies:

Email ALL completed case studies together to or via Dropbox, Google Drive, etc., or mail them to
Forensic Healing
Parcel Collect 10092 20185
Shop 24, 619 Doncaster Rd
Doncaster VIC 3108

Video Healing or Skype Interview (For Online students only)
1. Submit a video
2. attend a Skype healing running through the protocol with an FH Assistant (approx 45-60mins) of a full healing session for competency assessment (contact us for the appointment)
3. attend a workshop (Essentials/Live Training)  to demonstrate your healing competency.

Students can use Forensic Healing on friends/family/clients, etc., at their discretion, informing them that they are not qualified, so the healing is for their case studies. If they prefer, students can obtain student insurance from IICT. Another option is to advise their clients/volunteers that they are not yet qualified; however, it is reasonable to ask for donations for their time (qualify $ amount).

These options should satisfy most country’s criteria not to render liabilities to the therapist. However, each country is different, with variations in regulations. It is up to the therapist to seek professional advice. Please view the Forensic Healing policy for further requirements for advertising Forensic Healing and certification status.

Repeating the 7-day Live training is only a fraction of attending the first time. Every workshop is different and allows you to go deeper into the soul to heal. Just find an event on our events page and register as a ‘Repeater’, and you get automatic certification status if you repeat FH Live Training (no Certification fees.)

The certification processing fee of $199 must be paid before submitting 7 Modules of case studiesOrder here.

  • If you paid for your certification training upfront, we will mail the certificate immediately after reviewing your case studies. If you have outstanding monthly payments, we will mail the certificate once your training is paid in full.
  • Once approved, you can list yourself on our public practitioner directory at no cost. You must submit your listing with a profile photo, contact details and a brief description of your background, skills, and services.
  • Please read and follow our advertising and policy guidelines

    Complete your FH International Certification:

    Students can use Forensic Healing on friends, family, and clients at their discretion, informing them they are not yet qualified and that the healing is for their case studies. If they prefer, students can obtain student insurance from IICT. Another option is to advise their clients and volunteers they are not yet qualified; however, it is reasonable to ask for donations for their time (qualify $ amount).

    Your certification with the Forensic Healing System allows you to obtain an insurance policy that covers damages and legal expenses arising from personal injury to a third party or damage to their property arising from your business or occupation. As a Forensic Healer, you can access professional affiliation with the IICT at a discounted practitioner insurance policy. The application process is prompt. Visit IICT.

    Use the IICT  code PTP50%OFF to receive 50% off your first year of membership with IICT.

    IICT covers the following countries:

    Australia, UK and Europe: United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Gibraltar, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, Latvia, Sweden, Channel Islands, Norway, Estonia, Austria, Malta, Isle of Man, Netherlands
    South Africa (covered under the EU/UK insurer)
    Oceania: Australia, New Zealand

    United States

    These options should satisfy most countries’ criteria to avoid rendering liabilities to the therapist. However, each country is different, with variations in regulations. It is up to the therapist to seek professional advice. Please view the Forensic Healing Policy for further advertising Forensic Healing and Certification status requirements.


    • Repeating the 7-day Live training is a different experience than attending for the first time. Every workshop is different and allows you to develop your healing intuition whilst going deeper into your own soul healing. Registering as a Repeater for an FH Live event automatically receives the FH Qualification, and there is no Certification Fee. To find an event near you, go to our Events Page
    • The FH certification processing fee of $199 must be paid before submitting your case studies after you have completed payment for your course.
      Order here.
    • If you paid for the certification training upfront, we mail the certificate immediately after reviewing your case studies. Certificates are only sent once all course fees are paid in full.
    • Please read and follow our advertising and policy guidelines
      Forensic Healing Energy Healing Certified Practitioner Course
      The Forensic Healing Certification Course is internationally accredited and qualified with professional membership by the CTAA, Complementary Therapies Accredited Association

      Further questions?

      Please post any questions regarding Forensic Healing on the free Monthly Webinar here 
      Post your questions on “Ask Marisa Certification Questions” and peruse other student’s questions here.
      For technical issues with your login or account questions, please get in touch with

    Steps to Become a Qualified Forensic Healer

    Becoming a qualified Forensic Healer involves several key steps, including completing training modules, conducting case studies, and submitting required documentation. Here is a comprehensive guide based on the Forensic Healing program requirements:

    Certification Check List

    Here is your checklist to become a Certified Forensic Healer.

    • Complete Training Modules
      • Enroll in and complete all seven Forensic Healing modules and associated quizzes.
    • Conduct Case Studies
      • Complete the relevant number of case studies for Live or Online Training.
      • Each case study should include a Case Study Form and one Client Feedback Form per client. While the Client Analysis Forms are not mandatory, they are recommended.
      • Submit your case studies using Google Docs, Dropbox, OneDrive, Zip files, or any other suitable method for large files.
      • Email your completed case studies to once you have completed all seven modules.
    • Certification Processing Fee
      • Pay the certification processing fee of $199 before submitting your case studies. If your case studies are not approved, the payment will be refunded. You can make the payment here.
    • Directory Listing
      • Once you have completed all certification requirements and received your certificate, you can add your practitioner listing to the Forensic Healing directory here.

    By following these steps, you can become a certified Forensic Healer and start practicing professionally.