The Soul Module online course is offered only to existing Forensic Healers who want to add the Soul Module to their existing Forensic Healing System. It is included in all Forensic Healing Live workshops.
The Soul module delves deep into the DNA to reverse and remove the intricate webbing and programming by the negative syndicates that have blocked individual souls from living in a humane and free world.
It consists of extensive lists to uncover the “unseen” programs and implants to remove systems and methods of mind control, suffering, and suppression.
It corrects the dysfunction and splitting of soul fragments and identity loss. It removes the deliberate block on individual souls for their ascension process, restores the connection to the organic life source energy, closes the energy portholes and gateways of the siphoning of human life force energy and reverses the chemtrail/heavy metal damage.
The healing pathways bring an awareness of the intricate details of soul damage, due to chronic abuse (particularly sexual and physical abuse), including the reversal of the DNA alteration and interference.
The pathways energetically remove the unseen forces that keep soul’s in the false “matrix”. When the soul reversals and corrections are completed, it allows evolution for humanity and for individuals to use their own powers to be a creator of their life and find freedom and happiness.
Spiritual Soul Life Force Activation Pathway 1
The Spiritual Soul Life Force Activation pathway is to remove the daemonium energy of the dark force of death and destruction embedded into the soul and block energy from being siphoned. It reconnects the organic life force source energy and restores shattered soul imprints and signals. Assists in the removal of suicidal tendencies, depression, and hopelessness — includes Heart Activation.
The object of the healing pathway is to return the soul to its organic life force and restore the natural connection with the body, mind, and spirit which has disconnected from dysfunction and abuse. It includes a heart activation process which cleanses, purifies and clears the heart traumas, fragmentation, fears, daemonium energy, NAA firewalls, and boobytraps to reconnect the heart to the organic source energy.
Spiritual Soul Wealth Storage Opening Pathway 2
The Spiritual Soul Wealth Storage Opening pathway is to remove programmed wealth blocks and opens wealth portals/storage centers in the soul (the majority of people have them closed down) to gain consistent abundance and freedom through using the words of power.
Includes invocation of wealth/abundance blessings from renowned spiritual guides to increase abundance and prosperity. It includes root chakra activation.
Restoration of Blessings and Advanced Powers for Healers Pathway 3
Restoration of blessings and Advanced Powers for Healers pathway is to access the new Angelic realm and consciousness and open the healing powers and spiritual gifts stored in the “junk” DNA (activation of the 12 DNA strands), pineal activation and removal of the false matrix.
It includes removal of fears, vows, universal and targeted curses and spiritual reversal blocks to advance and fulfill the soul’s purpose.
Removal of Negative Soul Karmic Seeds Pathway 4
The Removal of Negative Soul Karmic Seeds pathway accesses the specific frequencies and advanced consciousness to cancel and destroy negative karmic seeds embedded in the soul (from negative connections from others) which block happiness and freedom. Removes negative, false karma that does not serve the higher purpose or consciousness.
Powerful for removing the karmic seeds planted from others who are competitive and jealous. When removed, it allows freedom for a person’s soul and consciousness. Includes negative entity atlas release that dissolves the embedded karmic seeds.
Soul Cleanse Pathway 5
The Soul Cleanse Pathway creates a deep, spiritual soul facet and DNA cleanse from embedded psychic attacks, negative entities, reversal networks and systems, unseen influences, destructive forces and harmful energies on all levels, dimensions and lifetimes.
Rewrites the soul’s blueprint by removing the past/past life negative spiritual conditioning and attacks. It includes an aura cleanse to realign and reconnect the auric field.
Spiritual Soul Peace Activation Pathway 6
The Spiritual Soul Peace Activation pathway accesses the primordial energy from the solar body of light to restore deep spiritual peace. Removes chaos, anxiety, dysfunction and anti-life programming stored in the cells, soul, and consciousness.
Includes soul connection to the celestial birth chart and the closing down of portholes that siphons source energy. Re-writes the soul’s blueprint for serenity and peacefulness. Includes Heart Activation to recode the heart for peace and healing.
Spiritual Soul Belief Reprogramming Pathway 7
The Spiritual Soul Belief Reprogramming pathway removes the identified negative/denial belief/programming created in childhood (Theta state), including the programming by the Negative Alien Agenda stored in the subconscious mind. Reprograms/downloads truth/positive belief and inserted in the subconsciousness mind for positive organic soul identity.
Life changing effects, as it re-codes the soul for success and removes failure programs. Includes reprogramming activation via the brow chakra.
Spiritual Soul Protection Pathway 8
The Spiritual Soul Protection pathway removes the New World Order, Cabal and Anunnaki inbred agendas that siphon energy and implant reversal programs that cause disempowerment, separation, struggle, exhaustion, negative mediums and attacks. Includes the restoration of light frequencies and humanity reprogramming for full advance Angelus consciousness protection.
Powerful for lightworkers who feel an invisible force stopping them.
Religious Fibonacci Programming Removal 9
The Religious Fibonacci Programming Removal pathway removes the negative religious programming embedded using the Fibonacci code (exists in the global consciousness) to suffering, sacrifice (personal, human and animal), poverty, chastity, bondage, guilt, shame, war, discrimination, and disempowerment in global and personal consciousness.
Reprograms personal and universal consciousness for humanity and freedom using the Fibonacci code.
Soul Ascension Consciousness Activation Pathway 10
The Soul Ascension Consciousness Activation pathway activates the soul’s ascension process through the elevation of personal consciousness. It removes the negative forces from the Cabal and Negative Alien Agendas and syndicates stored in the DNA and soul. Includes closing down negative portholes and gateways that siphon and steal personal energy. The process safely removes the evolution blocks intentionally created to keep humanity reincarnating and living in fear and suffering.
Reprograms with natural, organic vibrational frequencies using sacred geometry and words of power. Creates personal and global awakening to the 5th dimension and beyond for humanity’s evolution. Includes heart and mind connection so they are synchronised.
Soul Cell Health and Healing Re-coding Pathway 11
The Soul Cell Health and Healing Re-coding pathway uses epigenetics to recode each individual cell signal to receive and infuse frequencies of pure love, joy, and peace to activate cell health and vitality. Promotes removal of toxic mediums and GMO damage that hinders cell health and cell restoration.
Particularly good for cancer cells, poor cell health, low immune systems etc. Includes thymus gland activation which directs energy to the thymus to assist in building a strong immune system.
Disabling the Siphoning/Harvesting the Life Force Energy Pathway 12
The Disabling the Siphoning/Harvesting the Life Force Energy pathway blocks the siphoning and harvesting of human energy by the Negative Alien Agenda which is used as “fuel” to exploit humanity (spiritual vampirism). It opens the positive connections to the organic life force for 100% access to the pure source energy.
Removes booby traps, NAA firewalls and programmed sabotages that blocks personal evolution. It includes the reversal of government soul ownership/debt which is programmed via certificates/registrations/allegiances etc. Restores 100% soul identity and sovereignty and includes entity release from the atlas and axis points where entities and implants attach.
Soul Attunement and Alignment to Soul Purpose Pathway 13
The Soul Attunement and Alignment to Soul Purpose pathway removes negative associations and control from an identified person/organisation that has embedded mind control, abuse, identity removal, implants, entities, and false ascension matrix in any dimension or lifetime that blocks a soul’s purpose and mission. Removes past/past life damage/splitting of soul fragments that keeps souls trapped and afraid.
Removes negative soul imprints, vows, guilt, rituals, black magic and obligations that no longer serves humanity. Restores soul’s connection to the higher consciousness energy to gain support, momentum, and connection to one’s soul mate through the return of lost and stolen soul fragments from all lifetimes and all worlds. Includes soul empowerment connection that clears blocks in the heart chakra and solar plexus for aligning to one’s soul purpose.
Soul Release from Martyr and Persecution Complex Pathway 14
The Soul Release from Martyr and Persecution Complex pathway removes negative associations and control from an identified person/organisation which has built indestructible attachments and embedded mind control, abuse, religious rituals, implants and entities creating a martyr and suffering complex (identity removal) on all dimensions and lifetimes.
Removes programmed imprisonment and controlled reality by replacing a new mind consciousness/reality of choice, freedom, humanity, and opportunity. Includes navel cord release which releases the false navel connection (which is attached to the false white light) and reconnects the silver cord to the organic Universal Time Matrix.
Opening of the Pineal Gland and Heart Connection Pathway 15
The Opening of the Pineal Gland and Heart Connection Pathway removes emotional, spiritual and physical blocks — including the “energetic” damage of calcification and toxicity in the pineal gland. Reopens and activates spiritual awareness, higher consciousness, and intuitive abilities.
Opens and activates heart connection to enhance a person’s energetic connection and guidance to themselves, others and the organic source energy. Includes pineal heart activation to clear the pineal gland of physical and spiritual blocks for its full activation.
Removal of Soul Poverty Consciousness Traps Pathway 16
The Removal of Soul Poverty Consciousness Traps pathway removes imprints, programming and black magic causing spiritual bankruptcy, global slavery systems, inherited ancestral poverty, slave class, caste systems, black magic grids, and poverty consciousness traps.
Allows for a new abundant, limitless and freedom reprogramming (without financial restrictions and hardships) in personal consciousness, DNA, and soul identity. Includes chakra wealth energy alignment by re-aligning the three lower chakras.
Soul Corrupt False Matrix Disconnection and Light Body Alignment Pathway 17
The Soul Corrupt False Matrix Disconnection and Light Body Alignment pathway removes the soul’s consciousness, imprints, fragments and connection to the corrupted (dark) matrix and false ascension matrix with malevolent rules and laws created by the Negative Alien Agenda.
Realignment, reconnection, and integration of the soul consciousness and light bodies to the earth’s living, organic, integral, light and benevolent matrix. Reconnects soul to the 12 Spheres of the Tree of Life for connection to the organic Universal Time Matrix.
Removal of Soul Torture and Soul Murder Pathway 18
The Removal of Soul Torture and Soul Murder pathway removes locked soul trauma, torture, victim/victimizer software programs, 666 quarantine genetic block (soul recycles back to earth), 1D memory storage, removal of 2D walls of separation locked into the soul, DNA, and consciousness.
Returns the soul’s consciousness to zero- point (blank slate), light body upgrade and freedom for the soul to evolve and ascend. Includes soul torture and murder breath release to remove the soul’s blueprints of pain, suffering, and terror.
Restoration of the Feminine Earth and Fallen Goddess Energy Pathway 19
The Restoration of the Feminine Earth and Fallen Goddess Energy pathway removes and disconnects the soul from the false female consciousness program, Anubian black heart networks, negative ego mind, 4D false white light webbing, false ascension matrix, and false umbilicus structures.
Balances the planet’s natural atmosphere by restoring the earth’s natural grid connection, Christ-Buddha-Avatar matrix, Sophianic body, corrected umbilicus of God parent-source and silver cord, Krystal star, and Christos consciousness for balanced, equal, humane male/female influence for the earth and humanity.
Soul Earth Healing, Connection and Ascension Alignment Pathway 20
The Soul Earth Healing, Connection and Ascension Alignment pathway disconnects and removes the interference, exploitation and operations of the earth’s anti-human conditions such as weather, HAARP, human hybrid breeding, food sources and supply, pollution and toxicity, manufacturing and siphoning of loosh, energy stealing, false creation code, false ascension matrix by the Negative Alien Agenda.
Restores the cosmic sovereign law, Krystal spiral flows of unity intelligence, tree of life, human 12 tree grid and connection to the organic source energy for the elevation and ascension of earth and humanity.
How to access the New Soul Module
Online Diploma – If you purchased the Forensic Healing course before the Soul Module (Module 6) was included, you now have the opportunity to purchase it as an add-on to your current Forensic Healing Diploma (Modules 1-5).
The Forensic Healing Practitioner page will specify those who have completed the Soul Module as many people are requesting for practitioners who can address the deep mind control programs that the Soul Module addresses. All purchases receive a physical copy of the Soul Module Healing Pathways Guide with the updated protocol and 20 new Soul Healing Pathways.
Forensic Healing Live Training – All Live events from the 8th October 2017 include the Soul Module.
On the first day of each 7 Day Live training, Marisa will cover the Soul Module, allowing previous 7 Day Live students to register and attend the Soul Module Training in 1 day.
Course Features
- Lectures 10
- Quiz 1
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 42
- Assessments Self